
RemoteSensingToolbox is a pure Julia package built on top of Rasters.jl for reading, visualizing, and processing remotely sensed imagery. Users may refer to the Tutorials section for examples on how to use this package.


To install this package, first start the Julia REPL and then open the package manager by typing ]. You can then download RemoteSensingToolbox directly from the official Julia repository like so:

(@v1.9) pkg> add RemoteSensingToolbox

Once RemoteSensingToolbox has been installed, you can import it like any other Julia package. Please note that many features require you to also import the Rasters package.

using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters


This package is a work in progress, which means that new features are being added and existing features are subject to change. To contribute, please create an issue on GitHub or open a pull request. A summary of both existing and planned features is provided below:

Reading and WritingRead layers from a scene and the write results to diskYes
VisualizationVisualize images with various band compositesYes
Land Cover IndicesCalculate indices such as MNDWI and NDVIYes
QA and SCL DecodingDecode Quality Assurance and Scene Classification masksYes
Pixel MaskingMask pixels to remove objects such as clouds or shadowsYes
PCAPerform PCA analysis, transformation, and reconstructionYes
MNFMinimum Noise Fraction transformation and reconstructionYes
Signature AnalysisVisualize spectral signatures for different land cover typesYes
Land Cover ClassificationExposes an MLJ interface for classifying land cover typesNo
Endmember ExtractionExtract spectral endmembers from an imageNo
Spectral UnmixingPerform spectral unmixing under a given endmember libraryNo


RemoteSensingToolbox is intended to be used in conjunction with the wider Julia ecosystem and as such, seeks to avoid duplicating functinalities provided by other packages. As the majority of methods accept and return AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack objects, users should be able to call methods from Rasters.jl at any point in the processing pipeline. A summary of common functionalities offered by Rasters is provided below:

mosaicJoin rasters covering different extents into a single array or file.
cropShrink objects to specific dimension sizes or the extent of another object.
extendExtend objects to specific dimension sizes or the extent of another object.
trimTrims areas of missing values for arrays and across stack layers.
resampleResample data to a different size and projection, or snap to another object.
maskMask a raster by a polygon or the non-missing values of another Raster.
replace_missingReplace all missing values in a raster and update missingval.
extractExtract raster values from points or geometries.
zonalCalculate zonal statistics for a raster masked by geometries.


When working with remotely sensed images, the user is often required to adapt their approach according to the type of sensor that produced it. For example, decoding digital numbers into radiance, reflectance, or temperature requires knowledge about the encoding scheme used by the satellite in question. To address these issues, we provide the AbstractSatellite type, which encodes various sensor-specific parameters at the type level for several popular platforms. This approach allows the end-user to write generic code that automatically adapts to the sensor being used. For example, if we have bound the variable src to an instance of Landsat8, then we can load a cloud mask from the included QA file by calling Raster(src, :clouds), or calculate the MNDWI index by calling mndwi(src).


Implements the AbstractSatellite interface for Landsat 7.

Supported Bands: :B1, :B2, :B3, :B4, :B5, :B7, :thermal, :panchromatic

Supported Colors: :blue, :green, :red, :nir, :swir1, :swir2

Supported Masks: :dilated_clouds, :clouds, :cloud_shadow, :snow, :water


Implements the AbstractSatellite interface for Landsat 8.

Supported Bands: :B1, :B2, :B3, :B4, :B5, :B6, :B7, :thermal1, :thermal2, :panchromatic

Supported Colors: :blue, :green, :red, :nir, :swir1, :swir2

Supported Masks: :dilated_clouds, :clouds, :cloud_shadow, :snow, :water


Implements the AbstractSatellite interface for Landsat 9.

Supported Layers: :B1, :B2, :B3, :B4, :B5, :B6, :B7, :thermal1, :thermal2, :panchromatic

Supported Colors: :blue, :green, :red, :nir, :swir1, :swir2

Supported Masks: :dilated_clouds, :clouds, :cloud_shadow, :snow, :water


Implements the AbstractSatellite interface for Sentinel 2.

The user must specify a resolution of 10, 20, or 60 meters.

Supported Bands (10m): :B02, :B03, :B04, :B08

Supported Bands (20m): :B02, :B03, :B04, :B05, :B06, :B07, :B8A, :B11, :B12

Supported Bands (60m): :B01, :B02, :B03, :B04, :B05, :B06, :B07, :B8A, :B09, :B11, :B12

Supported Colors (10m): :blue, :green, :red, :nir

Supported Colors (20m and 60m): :blue, :green, :red, :nir, :swir1, :swir2

Supported Masks (20m and 60m): :cloud_shadow, :clouds_med, :clouds_high, :cirrus, :vegetation, :soil, :water, :snow


Implements the AbstractSatellite interface for DESIS.

Supported Bands: :Bands, :Band_30, :Band_65, :Band_100, :Band_175

Supported Colors: :blue, :green, :red, :nir

Supported Masks: :clouds, :shadow, :haze, :snow, :land, :water


Return the names of all layers available for the given sensor.


# Get all Available Layers for Landsat 8
landsat_layers = layers(Landsat8)

# Get all Available Layers for a Specific Scene
src = Landsat8("LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1")
available_layers = layers(src)
decode(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::Rasters.AbstractRaster)
decode(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::Rasters.AbstractRasterStack)

Decode the Digital Number (DN) values in the given raster(s). Typically, the decoded values will be in either reflectance (visual bands) or Kelvin (thermal bands).


  • s: The AbstractSatellite that produced the raster(s) in question.
  • raster: Either a Rasters.Raster or Rasters.RasterStack to be decoded.
encode(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::Rasters.AbstractRaster; encoding_type=UInt16, missingval=0x0000)
encode(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::Rasters.AbstractRasterStack; kwargs...)

Encode the provided raster(s) to Digital Numbers (DN).


  • s: The AbstractSatellite that produced the raster(s) in question.
  • raster: Either a Rasters.Raster or Rasters.RasterStack to be encoded.
  • encoding_type: The Julia type to use for storing the encoded values (default = UInt16).
  • missingval: The value to denote missing values (default = 0x0000).

Parses the metadata fields for the given satellite scene.

Metadata varies between products, but typically includes the acquisition date and processing level.

Raster(x::AbstractSatellite, layer::Symbol; kwargs...)

Read a single layer into a Rasters.Raster.


  • x: An AbstractSatellite from which to read a layer.
  • layer: The layer to be read. See layers(s) for a list of available layers for sensor s.
  • kwargs: Refer to the Rasters.Raster documentation for a summary of supported keywords.
RasterStack(x::AbstractSatellite, layers=bands(T); kwargs...)

Read multiple layers into a Rasters.RasterStack.


  • x: An AbstractSatellite from which to read a layer.
  • layer: The layer to be read. See layers(s) for a list of available layers for sensor s.
  • kwargs: Refer to the Rasters.RasterStack documentation for a summary of supported keywords.


Remotely sensed imagery is typically encoded as either UInt16 or Int16 values. However, many products only actually use the first 12 bits for storing information. The result is that naive visualization methods will produce a near-black image, since the maximum possible brightness will be located in the lower range of values provided by the 16 bit encoding. To address this, we need to perform a linear stretch before visualizing an image. Moreover, many satellites have more than three bands, which motivates the use of band combinations to emphasize certain features and land cover types.

visualize(g::AbstractRaster; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)
visualize(r::AbstractRaster, g::AbstractRaster, b::AbstractRaster; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)

Visualize an RGB or grayscale satellite image.

Returns an Array of either RGB{N0f8} or Gray{N0f8} elements.


  • lower: The lower percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
  • upper: The upper percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.


using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters, FileIO

# Prepare a Landsat 8 Image
src = Landsat8("LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1")

# Display True Color Image
r, g, b = RasterStack(src, [:red, :green, :blue])
img = visualize(r, g, b; upper=0.90)"truecolor.jpg", img)
true_color(src::AbstractSatellite; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)
true_color(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::AbstractRasterStack; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)

Visualize a satellite image using the true-color band combination, which appears like a natural image.

Accepts either an AbstractSatellite or a combination of Type{AbstractSatellite} and AbstractRasterStack.

Returns an Array of either RGB{N0f8} or Gray{N0f8} elements.


  • lower: The lower percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
  • upper: The upper percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.


using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters

# Prepare a Landsat 8 Image
src = Landsat8("LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1")

# Read Bands Directly from Disk
true_color(src; upper=0.90)

# Read Bands from a RasterStack
stack = RasterStack(src; lazy=true)
true_color(Landsat8, stack; upper=0.90)
color_infrared(src::AbstractSatellite; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)
color_infrared(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::AbstractRasterStack; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)

Visualize a satellite image using the color-infrared band combination, which highlight vegetation in red, water in blue, and urban areas in grey.

Accepts either an AbstractSatellite or a combination of Type{AbstractSatellite} and AbstractRasterStack.

Returns an Array of either RGB{N0f8} or Gray{N0f8} elements.


  • lower: The lower percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
  • upper: The upper percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
swir(src::AbstractSatellite; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)
swir(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::AbstractRasterStack; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)

Visualize a satellite image using the SWIR band combination, which emphasizes dense vegetation as dark green.

Accepts either an AbstractSatellite or a combination of Type{AbstractSatellite} and AbstractRasterStack.

Returns an Array of either RGB{N0f8} or Gray{N0f8} elements.


  • lower: The lower percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
  • upper: The upper percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
agriculture(src::AbstractSatellite; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)
agriculture(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::AbstractRasterStack; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)

Visualize a satellite image with the agricultural band combination, which is used for crop monitoring and emphasizes healthy vegetation.

Accepts either an AbstractSatellite or a combination of Type{AbstractSatellite} and AbstractRasterStack.

Returns an Array of either RGB{N0f8} or Gray{N0f8} elements.


  • lower: The lower percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
  • upper: The upper percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
geology(src::AbstractSatellite; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)
geology(s::Type{AbstractSatellite}, raster::AbstractRasterStack; lower=0.02, upper=0.98)

Visualize a satellite image with the geology band combination, which emphasizes geological formations, lithology features, and faults.

Accepts either an AbstractSatellite or a combination of Type{AbstractSatellite} and AbstractRasterStack.

Returns an Array of either RGB{N0f8} or Gray{N0f8} elements.


  • lower: The lower percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.
  • upper: The upper percentile to use for adjusting the image histogram.

Land Cover Indices

Land cover indices are used to highlight different types of land cover. For example, the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) is used to highlight water while diminishing built-up areas. Each index is expressed as a function of two or more bands. RemoteSensingToolbox can automatically select the appropriate bands for a given index by specifying the AbstractSatellite type, while also providing the option to manually specify bands as the user desires.

mndwi(::Type{AbstractSatellite}, stack::AbstractRasterStack)
mndwi(green::AbstractRaster, swir::AbstractRaster)

Compute the Modified Normalised Difference Water Index (Xu 2006).

MNDWI = (green - swir) / (green + swir)

nbri(::Type{AbstractSatellite}, stack::AbstractRasterStack)
nbri(nir::AbstractRaster, swir2::AbstractRaster)

Compute the Normalized Burn Ratio Index.

NBRI is used to emphasize burned areas.

NBRI = (nir - swir2) / (nir + swir2)

ndbi(::Type{AbstractSatellite}, stack::AbstractRasterStack)
ndbi(swir1::AbstractRaster, nir::AbstractRaster)

Compute the The Normalized Difference Built-up Index

NDBI is used to emphasize urban and built-up areas.

NDBI = (swir1 - nir) / (swir1 + nir)

ndmi(::Type{AbstractSatellite}, stack::AbstractRasterStack)
ndmi(nir::AbstractRaster, swir1::AbstractRaster)

Compute the Normalized Difference Moisture Index.

NDMI is sensitive to the moisture levels in vegetation. It is used to monitor droughts and fuel levels in fire-prone areas.

NDMI = (nir - swir1) / (nir + swir1)

ndvi(::Type{AbstractSatellite}, stack::AbstractRasterStack)
ndvi(nir::AbstractRaster, red::AbstractRaster)

Compute the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index.

NDVI = (nir - red) / (nir + red)

ndwi(::Type{AbstractSatellite}, stack::AbstractRasterStack)
ndwi(green::AbstractRaster, nir::AbstractRaster)

Compute the Normalized Difference Water Index (McFeeters 1996).

NDWI = (green - nir) / (green + nir)

savi(src::AbstractSatellite; L=0.33)
savi(::Type{AbstractSatellite}, stack::AbstractRasterStack; L=0.33)
savi(nir::AbstractRaster, red::AbstractRaster; L=0.33, scale=1.0, offset=0.0)

Compute the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Huete 1988).

SAVI is a vegetation index which attempts to minimize soil brightness influences by introducing a soil-brightness correction factor (L).

SAVI = ((nir - red) / (nir + red + L)) * (1 + L)


  • L: The ammount of vegetative cover, where 1.0 means no vegetation and 0.0 means high vegetation.
  • scale: The scaling factor to convert digital numbers to reflectance.
  • offset: The offset to convert digital numbers to reflectance.

Spectral Analysis

Spectral analysis involves studying the relationships between different materials and their corresponding spectral signatures. Due to the interactions between light and matter, each signature is unique to the material that emitted it. We can exploit this fact to assign a label to each pixel, or even estimate the abundances of different materials at a sub-pixel level. This package provides several methods for both extracting and visualizing these signatures.

function extract_signatures([agg], raster, shp, label::Symbol)

Extract signatures from a Raster or RasterStack within regions specified by a provided shapefile.


  • agg: A function to aggregate signatures belonging to the same class (ex. mean, median, maximum).
  • raster: An AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack from which to extract the spectral signatures.
  • shp: A table with a :geometry column of GeoInterface.jl geometries and land cover labels.
  • label: The column in shp corresponding to the land cover type.


A Tables.columntable containing all labelled signatures or their aggregation if agg is provided.


julia> src = Landsat8("LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1/");

julia> sr = decode(Landsat8, RasterStack(src, [:B1, :B2, :B3, :B4, :B5]));

julia> shp ="data/landcover/landcover.shp");

julia> extract_signatures(sr, shp, :C_name) |> DataFrame
1925×6 DataFrame
  Row │ label      B1         B2         B3        B4        B5       
      │ String     Float32    Float32    Float32   Float32   Float32  
    1 │ Hail Scar  0.058005   0.10613    0.19028   0.25177   0.51577
    2 │ Hail Scar  0.057895   0.10888    0.19358   0.257215  0.520198
    3 │ Hail Scar  0.06026    0.111795   0.197265  0.263045  0.523855
    4 │ Hail Scar  0.0595175  0.109375   0.195257  0.258315  0.522287
    5 │ Hail Scar  0.059215   0.108468   0.191655  0.254327  0.51401
  ⋮   │     ⋮          ⋮          ⋮         ⋮         ⋮         ⋮
 1921 │ Built Up   0.0633125  0.0914725  0.145565  0.165227  0.255153
 1922 │ Built Up   0.0764025  0.100878   0.154392  0.176063  0.24363
 1923 │ Built Up   0.09788    0.126342   0.180738  0.19941   0.25958
 1924 │ Built Up   0.0973025  0.133163   0.1894    0.198475  0.278775
 1925 │ Built Up   0.06345    0.089685   0.145042  0.158243  0.272505
                                                     1915 rows omitted

julia> extract_signatures(mean, sr, shp, :C_name) |> DataFrame
7×6 DataFrame
 Row │ label       B1          B2          B3         B4          B5       
     │ String      Float32     Float32     Float32    Float32     Float32  
   1 │ Hail Scar   0.0618124   0.107894    0.187857   0.24683     0.507976
   2 │ Bare Earth  0.0484324   0.053983    0.0775185  0.0886341   0.231951
   3 │ Road        0.0400183   0.0534427   0.0938634  0.0958244   0.245025
   4 │ Lake        0.00137886  0.00423271  0.0135606  0.00652965  0.031825
   5 │ Trees       0.0183338   0.0203976   0.0401544  0.024148    0.318622
   6 │ Vegetation  0.00441971  0.0157759   0.0787841  0.0463343   0.495117
   7 │ Built Up    0.0845031   0.113944    0.174032   0.197151    0.283717
plot_signatures(bandset::Type{<:AbstractSatellite}, sigs; kwargs...)
plot_signatures(bandset::Vector{<:Pair}, sigs; colors=Makie.wong_colors(), label=:label)

Plot the spectral signatures for one or more land cover types.


  • bandset: An AbstractSatellite or a vector of sorted band => wavelength pairs.
  • sigs: A table whose rows consist of spectral signatures and their associated labels.


  • label: The column in sigs containing the signature labels (default = :label).
  • colors: The color scheme used by the plot (default = Makie.wong_colors()).


julia> src = Landsat8("LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1");

julia> surface_reflectance = decode(Landsat8, RasterStack(src));

julia> shp ="data/landcover/landcover.shp");

julia> sigs = extract_signatures(mean, surface_reflectance, shp, :MC_name);

julia> plot_signatures(Landsat8, sigs, colors=[:brown, :orange, :blue, :green])
plot_signatures!(ax, bandset::Type{<:AbstractSatellite}, sigs; kwargs...)
plot_signatures!(ax, bandset::Vector{<:Pair}, sigs; colors=Makie.wong_colors(), label=:label)

Plot the spectral signatures for one or more land cover types onto an existing Makie.Axis.


  • ax: The Makie.Axis onto which to plot the signatures.
  • bandset: An AbstractSatellite or a vector of sorted band => wavelength pairs.
  • sigs: A table whose rows consist of spectral signatures and their associated labels.


  • label: The column in sigs containing the signature labels (default = :label).
  • colors: The color scheme used by the plot (default = Makie.wong_colors()).


using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters, GeoDataFrames, Statistics, CairoMakie

# Read Images And Convert DNs To Reflectance
landsat = Landsat8("data/LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1/")
sentinel = Sentinel2{20}("data/T11UPT_20200804T183919/")
landsat_reflectance = decode(Landsat8, RasterStack(landsat))
sentinel_reflectance = decode(Sentinel2, RasterStack(sentinel))

# Read Landcover Labels From Shapefile
shp ="data/landcover/landcover.shp")

# Extract Average Spectral Signature For Each Landcover Type
landsat_sigs = extract_signatures(mean, landsat_reflectance, shp, :MC_name)
sentinel_sigs = extract_signatures(mean, sentinel_reflectance, shp, :MC_name)

# Create Figure and Axis
fig = Figure(resolution=(800,550));
ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1], ylabel="Reflectance", title="Landsat Signatures")
ax2 = Axis(fig[2,1], xlabel="Wavelength (nm)", ylabel="Reflectance", title="Sentinel Signatures")

# Plot Signatures
plot_signatures!(ax1, Landsat8, landsat_sigs, colors=[:brown, :orange, :blue, :green])
plot_signatures!(ax2, Sentinel2{20}, sentinel_sigs, colors=[:brown, :orange, :blue, :green])

# Add Legend
Legend(fig[:,2], ax1)

Principal Component Analysis

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is typically used to reduce the dimensionality of data. In the case of remote sensing, we are interested in reducing the number of bands we need to store while retaining as much information as possible. PCA rotates the bands into a new coordinate space where each band, called a principal component, is orthogonal to and uncorrelated with every other component. By convention, we order the bands in the transformed image in terms of their explained variance, such that the nth component accounts for more variance than any component after it.


Remotely sensed imagery typically consists of anywhere from four to several hundred spectral bands. These bands are often highly correlated due to occupying similar spectral regions. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used in remote sensing to:

  1. Create a smaller dataset from multiple bands, while retaining as much of the original spectral information as possible. The new image will consist of several uncorrelated PC bands.

  2. Reveal complex relationships among spectral features.

  3. Distinguish between characteristics that are prevalent in most bands and those that are specific to only a few.


julia> desis = DESIS("DESIS-HSI-L2A-DT0884573241_001-20200601T234520-V0210/");

julia> desis_bands = Raster(desis, :Bands)

julia> pca = fit_pca(desis_bands, stats_fraction=0.1)

Projection Matrix:
235×235 Matrix{Float32}:
  0.0001  0.0032   0.0016  -0.0094   0.0147  -0.0151  -0.0049   0.0163  …   0.0038  -0.0012   0.0008  -0.0032  -0.0007   0.0053
  0.0005  0.0099   0.0042  -0.0244   0.0517  -0.0335  -0.0185   0.0441     -0.0023  -0.0016  -0.0008   0.001    0.0003  -0.0004
  0.0003  0.015    0.0053  -0.037    0.133   -0.0443  -0.0271   0.1381     -0.0006   0.0004   0.0002  -0.0006   0.0003   0.0002
  0.0003  0.019    0.0071  -0.0385   0.1369  -0.0393  -0.0148   0.0949     -0.0008   0.0006  -0.0001  -0.0006   0.0001  -0.0006
  0.0003  0.0232   0.0073  -0.0419   0.1469  -0.037    0.0041   0.0839     -0.0013  -0.0025   0.0005   0.0007   0.0007  -0.0002
  0.0001  0.0267   0.0077  -0.0461   0.1713  -0.0325   0.0246   0.0861  …   0.0013  -0.0007  -0.0007   0.0024  -0.0012  -0.0028
  0.0001  0.0295   0.0083  -0.0476   0.1695  -0.0348   0.0319   0.0827     -0.0015  -0.0016  -0.0029   0.0004   0.0019  -0.0009
 -0.0001  0.0318   0.0086  -0.0482   0.17    -0.0352   0.0414   0.0784      0.0005  -0.002    0.0003   0.0021  -0.0003  -0.0022
  ⋮                                           ⋮                         ⋱            ⋮                                  
 -0.0663  0.0371  -0.1728   0.0196  -0.0508  -0.1394  -0.0054  -0.0226     -0.0003   0.0001   0.0007  -0.0009  -0.0002   0.0004
 -0.0658  0.0365  -0.1679   0.0204  -0.0717  -0.1474  -0.0087  -0.0193     -0.0006   0.0002   0.0004  -0.0      0.0004  -0.0001
 -0.0655  0.0352  -0.163    0.0193  -0.0767  -0.1511  -0.012   -0.0232     -0.0005   0.0002  -0.0004  -0.0001  -0.0002   0.0005
 -0.066   0.035   -0.1618   0.0193  -0.0859  -0.1503  -0.0055  -0.0177  …   0.0003   0.0005   0.001   -0.0      0.0003  -0.0002
 -0.067   0.035   -0.1619   0.019   -0.0745  -0.1466   0.0245  -0.0228     -0.0001   0.0002  -0.0002  -0.0001  -0.0002   0.0005
 -0.0679  0.0343  -0.1601   0.0176  -0.0721  -0.139    0.0328  -0.0286      0.0003   0.0003   0.0005  -0.0      0.0003   0.0002
 -0.0682  0.0337  -0.1588   0.0151  -0.0458  -0.1242   0.0549  -0.0315      0.0002  -0.0002  -0.0003   0.0002  -0.0003  -0.0005
 -0.0711  0.0343  -0.1601   0.012   -0.0612  -0.1804   0.2151  -0.0971      0.0004  -0.0001   0.0      0.0003   0.0     -0.0003

Importance of Components:
  Cumulative Variance: 0.8782  0.9493  0.9809  0.9869  0.9889  0.9906  0.9915  0.9922  0.9928  ...  1.0
  Explained Variance: 0.8782  0.0711  0.0316  0.006  0.0021  0.0017  0.0009  0.0007  0.0006  ...  0.0

julia> transformed = forward_pca(pca, desis_bands, 12);

julia> size(transformed)
(1131, 1120, 12)

julia> recovered = inverse_pca(pca, transformed);

julia> size(recovered)
(1131, 1120, 235)
fit_pca(raster::Union{<:AbstractRasterStack, <:AbstractRaster}; method=:cov, stats_fraction=1.0)
fit_pca(signatures::Matrix; method=:cov, stats_fraction=1.0)

Fit a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) transformation to the given raster or spectral signatures.


  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack on which to fit the PCA transformation.
  • signatures: An nxb matrix of spectral signatures where n is the number of signatures and b is the number of bands.


  • method: Either :cov or :cor, depending on whether we want to use the covariance or correlation matrix for computing the PCA rotation.
  • stats_fraction: The fraction of pixels to use when computing the covariance (or correlation) matrix. Values less than 1.0 will speed up computation at the cost of precision.
forward_pca(transformation::PCA, raster::Union{<:AbstractRaster, <:AbstractRasterStack}, components::Int)
forward_pca(transformation::PCA, signatures::Matrix, components::Int)

Perform a forward Principal Component Analysis (PCA) rotation while retaining only the specified number of components.


  • transformation: A previously fitted PCA transformation.
  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack on which to perform the PCA transformation.
  • signatures: An nxb matrix of signatures where n is the number of signatures and b is the number of bands.
  • components: The number of bands to retain in the transformed image or signatures.
inverse_pca(transformation::PCA, raster::AbstractRaster)
inverse_pca(transformation::PCA, signatures::Matrix)

Perform an inverse Principal Component Analysis (PCA) transformation to recover the original image.


  • transformation: A previously fitted PCA transformation.
  • raster: An AbstractRaster representing a previously transformed image.
  • signatures: An nxc matrix of previously transformed signatures where n is the number of signatures and c is the number of components.

Minimum Noise Fraction

The Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transformation is used to separate noise from data along the spectral dimension. This method is typically used with hyperspectral imagery, both as a means of dimension reduction and for noise removal. The transformed image will have its bands placed in descending order according to their Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). The result is that the noise becomes concentrated in the higher bands, which can then be removed by either applying a standard image denoising algorithm or dropping them altogether.


The Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transform is a linear transformation used to reduce the spectral dimensionality of image data and segregate noise. MNF consists of two separate principal component rotations. The first rotation uses the principal components of the noise covariance matrix to decorrelate and rescale the noise (a process known as noise whitening), resulting in a transformed image in which the noise has unit variance and no band-to-band correlations. The second rotation is a standard PCA rotation applied to the noise-whitened image.

The bands in the transformed image will be ordered according to their Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), with the highest SNR being placed first. The result is that the noise becomes concentrated in the higher bands. Thus, the transform can be used to separate noise from data by performing a forward transform, determining which bands contain coherent images, and running an inverse transform after either discarding or denoising the remaining bands. The number of bands to keep in the inverse transform can be determined by a number of methods. The simplest approach is to look at the sorted transformed bands and threshold at the band where no recognizable features can be observed. An alternative method is to threshold at a desired cumulative SNR.


julia> src = DESIS("data/DESIS-HSI-L2A-DT0485529167_001-20220712T223540-V0220")

julia> desis = decode(DESIS, Raster(src, :Bands))

julia> roi = @view desis[X(1019:1040), Y(550:590)];

julia> mnf = fit_mnf(desis, roi)

Projection Matrix:
235×235 Matrix{Float32}:
 -2.135    2.3502   0.3612   0.5912   0.5217  -0.0917   0.0043  …   0.0002  -0.0001  -0.0004  -0.0004  -0.0      0.0004
 -0.0959   0.0422  -0.0047  -0.2362  -0.3962  -0.2313  -0.1685      0.0001   0.0004   0.0002   0.0003   0.0001  -0.0001
  0.0043   0.0058  -0.0032   0.0023  -0.0061  -0.0048   0.0028     -0.0001   0.0001  -0.0001  -0.0      0.0      0.0001
  0.0039   0.002   -0.002    0.0012  -0.0032  -0.004    0.006      -0.0006   0.0002  -0.0001  -0.0     -0.0003  -0.0
  0.0024   0.0018  -0.003   -0.0008   0.0038  -0.0003   0.0057      0.0009  -0.0007   0.0002  -0.0012   0.0012  -0.0
  0.0019  -0.003    0.0038  -0.002   -0.0001  -0.0003  -0.0     …   0.0021   0.0009  -0.0004   0.0014  -0.0011  -0.0006
  0.0047   0.0055   0.006   -0.0014  -0.0011   0.0021   0.0053     -0.0035   0.0006   0.0002  -0.0026   0.0014   0.0019
  0.0072   0.0042   0.0012   0.0016   0.0011  -0.002   -0.001       0.0     -0.0026   0.0012   0.0034  -0.0006  -0.0009
  ⋮                                            ⋮                ⋱            ⋮                                  
 -0.0004  -0.0012   0.0007   0.0006  -0.0      0.0002   0.0005      0.0005   0.0002  -0.0004  -0.0002  -0.0001   0.0001
 -0.0014  -0.0005  -0.0005   0.0019  -0.0002  -0.0005   0.0017      0.0003   0.0005   0.0      0.0004   0.0005   0.0
 -0.0004   0.0008  -0.0003   0.0013   0.0004   0.0014   0.0004      0.0002  -0.0001   0.0002   0.0001  -0.0002  -0.0002
 -0.0008  -0.0015   0.0021  -0.0004  -0.0004   0.0012   0.0006  …  -0.0011   0.0002  -0.0007   0.0001   0.0005  -0.0001
  0.0008  -0.0004   0.0009   0.0019  -0.0022  -0.0014   0.0013      0.0003  -0.0001  -0.0003  -0.0      0.0003   0.0002
  0.0005   0.0006  -0.0022  -0.0003   0.0     -0.0022   0.0016     -0.001    0.0002  -0.0003   0.0003  -0.0005   0.0005
  0.001   -0.0005  -0.0007   0.0025  -0.0019   0.0005   0.0015      0.0002  -0.0005   0.0     -0.0005   0.0002  -0.0002
 -0.0003   0.0002  -0.0021  -0.0008  -0.0012   0.0003   0.0003     -0.0001  -0.0      0.0001   0.0      0.0      0.0

Component Statistics:
  Eigenvalues: 7975.439  4040.6348  2092.866  717.8178  468.5496  247.5029  202.2003  176.8452  87.3302  ...  0.3602
  Cumulative Eigenvalues: 0.4779  0.72  0.8454  0.8884  0.9165  0.9313  0.9434  0.954  0.9593  ...  1.0
  Explained SNR: 7974.4385  4039.6353  2091.8635  716.8176  467.55  246.5022  201.1985  175.845  86.3301  ...  -0.6399
  Cumulative SNR: 0.4839  0.729  0.856  0.8995  0.9278  0.9428  0.955  0.9657  0.9709  ...  0.9985

julia> transformed = forward_mnf(mnf, desis, 12);

julia> size(transformed)
(1131, 1120, 12)

julia> recovered = inverse_mnf(mnf, transformed);

julia> size(recovered)
(1131, 1120, 235)
estimate_noise(raster::Union{<:AbstractRaster, <:AbstractRasterStack}; smooth=false)

Estimate the noise covariance matrix for the given raster.

Uses the Minimum/Maximum Autocorrelation Factor proposed by Switzer and Green.

For best results, the provided raster should be spectrally homoegenous (e.g., an open field or body of water).


  • raster: An AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack.
  • smooth: Numerical stability requires that no bands have a variance of zero. A smoothing term can be applied to ensure that this is the case.


using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters

# Load Data
src = DESIS("DESIS-HSI-L2A-DT0485529167_001-20220712T223540-V0220")
desis = decode(DESIS, Raster(src, :Bands))

# Extract Homogenous Region of Interest
roi = desis[X(1019:1040), Y(550:590)]

# Estimate Noise
ncm = estimate_noise(roi, smooth=true)
fit_mnf(raster::Union{<:AbstractRasterStack, <:AbstractRaster}, noise_covariance::Matrix; stats_fraction=1.0)
fit_mnf(signatures::Matrix, noise_covariance::Matrix; stats_fraction=1.0)

Fit a Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transformation to the given AbstractRasterStack or AbstractRaster.


  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack on which to fit the MNF transformation.
  • signatures: An n x b matrix of spectral signatures where n is the number of signatures and b is the number of bands.
  • noise_sample: A homogenous (spectrally uniform) region extracted from raster for calculating the noise covariance matrix.
  • smooth: The MNF transform cannot be computed if any band in noise_sample has zero variance. To correct this, you may wish to introduce a small smoothing term (true by default).
forward_mnf(transformation::MNF, raster, components::Int)
forward_mnf(transformation::MNF, signatures::Matrix, components::Int)

Perform a forward Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) rotation on the given raster or signatures, retaining only the specified number of components.


  • transformation: A previously fitted MNF transformation.
  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack on which to perform the MNF transformation.
  • signatures: An n x b matrix of spectral signatures where n is the number of signatures and b is the number of bands.
  • components: The number of bands to retain in the transformed image. All band numbers exceeding this value will be discarded.
inverse_mnf(transformation::MNF, raster::AbstractRaster)
inverse_mnf(transformation::MNF, signatures::Matrix)

Perform an inverse Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transformation to recover the original image or signatures.


  • transformation: A previously fitted MNF transformation.
  • raster: An AbstractRaster representing a previously transformed image. The number of bands should be less than or equal to that of the original image.
  • signatures: An n x p matrix of transformed signatures where n is the number of signatures and p is the number of retained components.


RemoteSensingToolbox provides several utility functions for working with remotely sensed data.

apply_masks!(raster, masks...)

Similar to Rasters.mask!, but with the following differences:

  1. Removes non-missing mask values instead of missing values. This is useful when working with cloud or shadow masks.
  2. Accepts multiple masks, which are applied in sequence.


  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack to be masked.
  • masks: One or more masks to apply to the given raster.
apply_masks(raster, masks...)

Similar to Rasters.mask, but with the following differences:

  1. Removes non-missing mask values instead of missing values. This is useful when working with cloud or shadow masks.
  2. Accepts multiple masks, which are applied in sequence.


  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack to be masked.
  • masks: One or more masks to apply to the given raster.
from_table(table, val_col, dim_col, dims; missingval=0)

Read a table into a Raster or RasterStack.


  • table: Any type that implements the Tables.jl interface.
  • val_col: The column(s) containing the raster values. Must be either a Symbol or Tuple of Symbols.
  • dim_col: The column(s) containing the coordinates of each value. Should be a Symbol if the coordinates

are stored as Tuples under a single column. It can also be a Tuple of Symbols if coordinates are stored as scalar values across multuple columns.

  • dims: The dimensions of the output raster.
  • missingval: The value used to denote missing data.


Returns a single Raster with the same dimensions as dims when val_col is a Symbol. Otherwise, returns a RasterStack in which each layer corresponds to a single value column.


Replace all NaN values with missingval(raster) in-place.


  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack from which we want to drop NaN values.
sample(raster, [sink]; fraction=0.1)

Randomly sample a percentage of non-missing values from the provided raster.


  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack from which to sample.
  • sink: A Tables.jl materializer (default =Tables.columntable).
  • fraction: The fraction of values to sample (default = 10%).


julia> src = Landsat8("LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1/");

julia> rs = RasterStack(src, [:blue, :green, :red, :nir]);

julia> sample(rs, DataFrame)
4054017×4 DataFrame
     Row │ B2      B3      B4      B5     
         │ UInt16  UInt16  UInt16  UInt16 
       1 │   7841    9082    8174   24372
       2 │   8117    8977    8372   15577
       3 │  26460   26601   26579   27023
    ⋮    │   ⋮       ⋮       ⋮       ⋮
 4054015 │   7735    8403    7929   18386
 4054016 │   6984    9559   10026   11986
 4054017 │   8036    8658    8328   13896
                      4054011 rows omitted
statistics(raster; stats=:all, fraction=1.0)

Calculate summary statistics for the provided Raster or RasterStack.


  • raster: An AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack.
  • stats: A Vector or Tuple containing any combination of the symbols :mean, :std, and :cov.
  • fraction: The fraction of pixels to sample when calculating statistics.


A named tuple containing each requested statistic.

table(raster, [sink])

Convert the raster into a table compatible with Tables.jl.

Replaces all missingvals with missing.


  • raster: The AbstractRaster or AbstractRasterStack to read into a table.
  • sink: A Tables.jl materializer (default =Tables.columntable).


julia> src = Landsat8("LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1/");

julia> rs = RasterStack(src, [:blue, :green, :red, :nir]);

julia> table(rs, DataFrame) |> dropmissing!
40540174×5 DataFrame
      Row │ geometry               B2      B3      B4      B5     
          │ Tuple…                 UInt16  UInt16  UInt16  UInt16 
        1 │ (544335.0, 5.84578e6)    8345    8798    8216   14454
        2 │ (544335.0, 5.84576e6)    8064    8707    8106   15583
        3 │ (544365.0, 5.84576e6)    8247    8858    8135   17552
    ⋮     │           ⋮              ⋮       ⋮       ⋮       ⋮
 40540172 │ (676365.0, 5.60968e6)    8863    9867   10164   16688
 40540173 │ (676395.0, 5.60968e6)    8823    9684   10050   16210
 40540174 │ (676425.0, 5.60968e6)    8934    9898   10324   16947
                                             40540168 rows omitted