Principal Component Analysis

Remotely sensed imagery typically consists of anywhere from five to several hundred spectral bands. These bands are often highly correlated because they occupy similar spectral regions.

PCA is used in remote sensing to:

  • Create a smaller dataset from multiple bands, while retaining as much of the original spectral information as possible. The new image will consist of several uncorrelated PC bands.
  • Reveal complex relationships among spectral features.
  • Determine which characteristics are prevalent in most of the bands, and those that are specific to only a few.

Our first step is to load and visualize our data.

using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters
using Pipe: @pipe

# Read Sentinel 2 Bands at 60m Resolution
src = Sentinel2{60}("data/S2B_MSIL2A_20200804T183919_N0214_R070_T11UPT_20200804T230343")
sentinel = RasterStack(src; lazy=false)

# Extract Region of Interest
roi = @view sentinel[Rasters.X(900:1799), Rasters.Y(1:900)]

# Visualize Original Image
true_color(Sentinel2{60}, roi; upper=0.99)

Next, we'll fit a PCA transformation to our image. We can optionally specify a fraction of pixels to use for computing the transformation statistics. Choosing a value less than one can greatly reduce the computation time at the expense of precision. However, for sufficiently large images, a fraction of 0.1 provides near-identical results to those acquired from the complete data set.

pca = fit_pca(sentinel; method=:cov, stats_fraction=0.1)

Projection Matrix:
11×11 Matrix{Float32}:
 -0.026   -0.2068   0.359    0.312   -0.0956  -0.4791  -0.2246   0.6115  -0.187   -0.1491   0.1007
 -0.0361  -0.2354   0.3739   0.1417  -0.0496  -0.1544  -0.384   -0.3905   0.3475   0.2424  -0.5269
 -0.0775  -0.2406   0.3554  -0.1492   0.0608   0.0574  -0.0611  -0.2325   0.4331  -0.2812   0.6754
 -0.0396  -0.3231   0.321   -0.0301  -0.048    0.4006  -0.1104  -0.1695  -0.6672   0.3335   0.1734
 -0.1194  -0.2914   0.2233  -0.3824   0.3988   0.3537   0.1552   0.388    0.0935  -0.2656  -0.4083
 -0.3925   0.0354   0.0791  -0.5716   0.1024  -0.5641   0.2124  -0.0647  -0.1093   0.3454   0.0492
 -0.4949   0.1513   0.0179  -0.1063  -0.4124   0.0177  -0.1552  -0.2315  -0.2583  -0.6104  -0.1825
 -0.5216   0.1354  -0.1415  -0.0112  -0.2273   0.3424  -0.332    0.3901   0.3023   0.3891   0.1241
 -0.5257   0.084    0.0977   0.6027   0.4321   0.0232   0.3684  -0.1417  -0.0191   0.0176   0.0145
 -0.155   -0.549   -0.63     0.0249   0.3084  -0.1467  -0.3609  -0.0952  -0.0891  -0.098    0.0592
 -0.0695  -0.5511  -0.1381   0.1059  -0.5562   0.0012   0.5628   0.0345   0.1566   0.0705  -0.0666

Importance of Components:
  Cumulative Variance: 0.76  0.9679  0.989  0.9938  0.9968  0.9984  0.9991  0.9995  0.9998  ...  1.0
  Explained Variance: 0.76  0.2078  0.0212  0.0047  0.0031  0.0016  0.0007  0.0004  0.0002  ...  0.0001

If we look at the cumulative variance, we see that we only need to retain the first three principal components to account for 98.9% of the sample variance. Knowing this, we'll perform a forward rotation with forward_pca while specifying that we only want to keep the first three components.

# Perform a PCA Transformation while Retaining the First Three Components
transformed = forward_pca(pca, roi, 3)

# Visualize Transformation
r, g, b = (view(transformed, Rasters.Band(i)) for i in 1:3)
visualize(r, g, b; upper=0.99)

Each band in the transformed image corresponds to a linear combination of multiple bands from the original image. Thus, the bands no longer relate to wavelengths of light, but instead capture different characteristics of the underlying spectral signatures. In the above visualization, we observe that water is highlighted in yellow, vegetation is green, and built-up land is magenta.

We may also wish to reverse the transformation in order to recover an approximation of the original image. This can be achieved with the inverse_pca method, which expects both a learned PCA rotation and a previously transformed image as input. The return value is a Raster, which does not retain any of the band names from the original image. To make our recovered image compatible with the Sentinel2 type, we need to restore the layer names by passing the result to RasterStack.

# Reverse Transformation
recovered = RasterStack(inverse_pca(pca, transformed), layersfrom=Band, name=names(roi))

# Visualize Recovered Image
true_color(Sentinel2{60}, recovered; upper=0.99)

We can see that while the color of the recovered image is indeed similar to that of the original, there are some noticeable discrepancies. This is because some information was lost when we discarded the other eight principal components. Had we elected to retain all 11 components, we would find the two images to be identical, minus some floating point error.