Spectral Analysis

Land cover classification is a common application of remotely sensed imagery. Such a task involves assigning a discrete label to each pixel in an image denoting the type of land contained within it. For example, we may wish to classify each pixel as either water or land. This is typically accomplished by observing the unique spectral signatures produced by each material. RemoteSensingToolbox provides a number of methods for both extracting and visualizing signatures from a labelled image.

Our first step is to read the relevant bands from disk and convert the DNs (Digital Numbers) to reflectance. Reflectance is a standardized unit of measurement defined over the interval [0, 1], which denotes the fraction of light reflected by the observed surface. A reflectance of 0.0 indicates that no light was reflected at all, whereas a reflectance of 1.0 tells us that 100% was reflected. Fortunately, each AbstractSatellite contains the necessary information for this conversion.

using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters, Statistics, DataFrames, Shapefile

# Read Landsat, Sentinel, and DESIS Bands
landsat_src = Landsat8("data/LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1")
sentinel_src = Sentinel2{60}("data/S2B_MSIL2A_20200804T183919_N0214_R070_T11UPT_20200804T230343")
desis_src = DESIS("data/DESIS-HSI-L2A-DT0485529167_001-20220712T223540-V0220")
landsat = RasterStack(landsat_src, lazy=true)
sentinel = RasterStack(sentinel_src, lazy=true)
desis = Raster(desis_src, :Bands, lazy=true)

# Convert DNs to Surface Reflectance
landsat_sr = decode(Landsat8, landsat)
sentinel_sr = decode(Sentinel2{60}, sentinel)
desis_sr = decode(DESIS, desis)

Once we have our imagery, we need to acquire some labelled regions from which to extract the spectral signatures. This is typically accomplished with a shapefile consisting of polygons labelled with each type of land cover.

shp = Shapefile.Table("data/landcover/landcover.shp") |> DataFrame

Examining the shapefile gives us some insight into how its contents are structured. As we can see, the regions of interest are stored as Polygon objects under the :geometry column, while land cover labels are under both :MC_name and :C_name. In this case, :MC_name defines the macro class while :C_name defines the specific class. For example, both "Trees" and "Vegetation" belong to the "Vegetation" macro class.

8×7 DataFrame
 Row │ geometry            fid      MC_ID  MC_name     C_ID   C_name      SCP_UID                   
     │ Polygon             Missing  Int64  String      Int64  String      String                    
   1 │ Polygon(38 Points)  missing      1  Built Up        1  Built Up    20230527_122212594060_314
   2 │ Polygon(31 Points)  missing      1  Built Up        2  Road        20230527_122301732906_304
   3 │ Polygon(57 Points)  missing      2  Vegetation      4  Trees       20230527_123221462871_572
   4 │ Polygon(5 Points)   missing      3  Bare Earth      5  Hail Scar   20230527_123631491671_937
   5 │ Polygon(7 Points)   missing      3  Bare Earth      6  Bare Earth  20230527_123727873290_779
   6 │ Polygon(7 Points)   missing      4  Water           7  Lake        20230527_123931189139_867
   7 │ Polygon(5 Points)   missing      3  Bare Earth      6  Bare Earth  20230527_125120033074_286
   8 │ Polygon(5 Points)   missing      2  Vegetation      3  Vegetation  20230527_122832068862_308

We can call extract_signatures to retrieve the spectral signatures located within each polygon along with their associated labels. An optional aggregation method can be supplied as the first argument, which will be used to summarize signatures belonging to the same label. Some common examples are mean, median, maximum, and minimum. If no method is provided, extract_signatures will return all signatures and their labels.

sigs = extract_signatures(mean, landsat_sr, shp, :MC_name) |> DataFrame
4×8 DataFrame
 Row │ label       B1          B2          B3         B4          B5        B6          B7         
     │ String      Float32     Float32     Float32    Float32     Float32   Float32     Float32    
   1 │ Bare Earth  0.0566671   0.0871629   0.145427   0.185996    0.401831  0.317775    0.184228
   2 │ Built Up    0.0506521   0.0679052   0.113027   0.120046    0.254274  0.236384    0.18103
   3 │ Water       0.00137886  0.00423271  0.0135606  0.00652965  0.031825  0.00709321  0.00381732
   4 │ Vegetation  0.00699952  0.0166328   0.0716218  0.0422207   0.462393  0.10416     0.0438761

While extract_signatures can be a good first step for further analysis or training classification models, we are also often interested in visualizing the signatures associated with each land cover type. To do so, we can import CairoMakie, which is extended by RemoteSensingToolbox to provide signature plotting. In order to display the appropriate wavelength for each band, plot_signatures expects either a vector of band-wavelength pairs or an AbstractSatellite type as the first argument.

import CairoMakie

plot_signatures(Landsat8, landsat_sigs)

To override the default color scheme, we can provide an optional colors argument. Refer to Colors.jl for a complete list of all named colors.

colors = [:saddlebrown, :orange, :navy, :green]
fig = plot_signatures(Landsat8, landsat_sigs, colors=colors)

Sometimes we want to have more control over our plots than what is provided by plot_signatures. To accommodate this need, we provide the plot_signatures! method, which directly modifies a provided Makie.Axis object. In the following example, we will plot the same signatures produced by three different sensors, each of which passed over our study area within a period of four days.

# Create Figure
fig = CairoMakie.Figure(resolution=(1000, 800))

# Create Axes
ax1 = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[1,1], title="Landsat 8", xticksvisible=false, xticklabelsvisible=false)
ax2 = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[2,1], title="Sentinel 2", ylabel="Reflectance", ylabelfont=:bold, xticksvisible=false, xticklabelsvisible=false)
ax3 = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[3,1], title="DESIS", xlabel="Wavelength (nm)", xlabelfont=:bold)

# Plot Signatures
axs = (ax1, ax2, ax3)
sensors = (Landsat8, Sentinel2{60}, DESIS)
rasters = (landsat_sr, sentinel_sr, desis_sr)
for (sensor, raster, ax) in zip(sensors, rasters, axs)
    sigs = extract_signatures(mean, raster, shp, :MC_name)
    plot_signatures!(ax, sensor, sigs; colors=colors)
    CairoMakie.xlims!(ax, 400, 1000)

# Add Legend
CairoMakie.Legend(fig[1:3,2], first(axs), "Classification")